A Huge loss for the Conservatives

Michael Gove Stands Down from Next Election

Jordan Laidler
2 min readMay 24, 2024

Since before the July 4th Election announcement we have had MP’s speculate they would not be standing for re-election, the reasoning behind this can be argued but frankly it comes down to inner-party issues.

I am a conservative, a conservative member and will be on the doorsteps these next 6 weeks supporting several local candidates but even I feel that with the 2019 cohort of MPs the party shifted in the wrong direction, to a further right position that is untenable and undesirable in British Politics.

The jumping of ship can be put to the current unlikely position of a Conservative win, the number of marginal seats that will be lost and even some huge upsets with the public opinion strongly in favour of a conservative out motion. But, hope in my opinion still lingers on with Starmer not fully pleasing the public.

Our party has obviously lost some great people, the latest just today being former health secretary Michael Gove, though I thoroughly disagreed on his position of Pro-Brexit he was and has been a fantastic member of several governments. The experience of Gove will be a credible miss within the party and so far is the main loss I see to member no longer standing.

“After nearly twenty years serving the wonderful people of Surrey Heath and over a decade in Cabinet across five government departments, I have today taken the decision to step down as a Member of Parliament.” — Mr Gove.

I look forward to Michael’s upcoming book — though no official announcement has been made, it is normally a given after suchc a career of success and turmoil one can find time to publish their story.



Jordan Laidler

Hey, I'm Jordan a dad of three from County Durham in England! I enjoy a range of topics from business to politics and more